Seventh year in a row, the Danube Competence Center is organising a comprehensive package of promotional and networking activities related to the second largest European river at the International Tourism Fair Berlin (ITB), in cooperation with its members and national and regional tourism organisations from the Danube region. This set of activities promotes the touristic offer of the Danube and creates a joint platform for increased cooperation between partners from the Danube region.

Scroll down to find out more!

“Partnerships in European Tourism”

On March 6 – 7th, 2018, DCC representatives are going to be present at “Partnerships in European Tourism” event that takes place in Berlin. This is the second event of this EU initiative aiming at supporting EU tourism businesses and operators that wish to expand their businesses into the Chinese and US markets, through tutoring activities, facilitating new collaborations and partnerships around trans-European tourist products and the organisation of B2B matchmaking and other promotional events alongside international fairs.

Partnerships in European Tourism – Berlin will focus on the Chinese and US markets and Europe’s Culture, Pan European Itineraries – Water Routes and Group Tourism.

13th POW-WOW for Tourism Professionals

Travelling sustainable along the Danube – TransDanube Pearls

The main objectives of the European Union (EU) project “Transdanube.Pearls – Network for Sustainable Mobility along the Danube” is to contribute to the development of a Danube Region, which provides socially fair, economically viable and health promoting mobility and tourism for visitors and inhabitants of the region by developing environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems. In this way, the project will counteract the ongoing popularity of private car usage, its negative impact on the environment and consequently improve the connectivity between the regions.

The central element of the project is the establishment of a network of destinations (“Transdanube Pearls”) committed to sustainable mobility for tourists and inhabitants along the Danube which support the transnational cooperation between different stakeholders from the transport and the tourism sector.

Possibilities to travel along the Danube with sustainable means of transport are still weak. In order to provide visitors with services to move between the Danube regions, the harmonization of existing services has to be optimized. By improving the possibilities to easily change between existing public transport services and the bicycle (by using bike carriages on trains and buses), it will be possible to improve connectivity within the Danube region in general and especially between the Transdanube Pearls.

Moderated by: Andreas Friedwagner, Managing Director, Verracon GmbH; Austria

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

Time: 12:45 – 1:15 PM

Adventure Stage and Event Area
Hall 4.1.b – Adventure Travel • Responsible Tourism


Europe invites – Danube connects

Following the last year’s event that highlighted the opportunity to reach greater visibility on the overseas markets through cooperation and joint marketing efforts, in 2018 we’re going further with the potentials and possible products completely in line with 2018 as EU-China Tourism Year as announced by European Travel Commission.

Ms. Gordana Plamenac

President of the Board of Director, Danube Competence Center

Mr. Eduardo Santander

Executive director, European Travel Commission

Mr. Vince Berényi

Director, Hungarian Tourism’s Strategic Marketing Directorate

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

Time: 2:30 – 3:30 PM

Room Dessau 3

The Danube Salon

“Culture as a motor for tourism in the Danube Region” is a leading theme of the 6th Danube Salon that will take place on March 8th on the occasion of ITB Berlin 2018. This event is organized by the Representation of Land Baden-Württemberg and the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the Danube Competence Center and other Embassies and partners from the Danube region.

7 PM – Welcome speech by Theresa Schopper, Secretary of State of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg and Igor Crnadak, Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by

Panel discussion
● Hermann Mader, Chairman of the Association Ice Age Art of the Lonetal, Baden-Württemberg
● Biljana Camur Veselinovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communication, Bosnia and Herzegovina
● Miroslav Knezevic, Secretary of State, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Serbia
● Lyubomir Sirakov, Coordinator PA3, Ministry of Tourism, Bulgaria
Moderation: Dr. Andrea Despot, Head of the European Academy Berlin

8:15 PM – Reception with delicacies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Baden-Württemberg and specialities by the event’s cooperation partners and co-organisers

9:15 PM Bosnian-Herzegovinian cultural evening

Admission only with confirmed registration

Prize Game

Danube Passport Game

Try your luck while learning more about the Destination Danube during weekend visit to the ITB.

Grab your Danube Passport while entering the fair on Saturday and Sunday, visit the stands of the participating Danube countries and make sure to collect enough stamps to take part in the famous Danube Passport Game and get a chance to win one of the trips along the second largest European river.

You need to collect at least five stamps in your passport at six different stands at ITB: Germany, Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and DCC.

The draw takes place on Sunday at 4:30 PM on stage at Hall 4 – the winners will be contacted directly.

Winners Update!

First prize: Donauradweg package in Donaubergland – Christina Bödeker, Berlin
Second prize: Culinary delights weekend at BEST WESTERN PLUS BierKultur Hotel in Ehingen – Rainer Kühn, Berlin
Third prize: Cruise along the Danube in Austria – Pauline Hillebrand, Wernigerode
Fourth prize: Cruise along the Danube in Serbia – Robin Lackas, Berlin
Fifth prize: Odessa Souvenirs promo pack – Thomas Schickentanz, Bückeburg

Danube Passport Game – Sponsors

Find us @ITB Berlin 2018
