The Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route  – Cultural Route of Europe

In the framework of 30th Anniversary of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade (Serbia)

14. December – 15. December 2017

The event related with further development of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route (RER / DWR) will take place on 14th and 15th December in the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade.

The aim of the event is further development of first cultural route that starts from South East European Region. After two years of Route’s existence on international level, it became clear that it is a suitable moment to expand the route capacities and also discuss about its further potential as a touristic product.

During the event, two panels will take place:

First panel will be dedicated to Archaeological background of the sites along Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route in which representatives of Roman archaeological sites located along or nearby Route will present cultural-historical importance of existing highlights.

Second panel will focus on Daily operations and events in the environment of the sites on RER and DWR where leading authorities of touristic destinations will present touristic offers of the destinations located in nearby area of the archaeological sites.

Workshop during the second day will gather representatives of other cultural routes, other prominent institutions and tour operators that already have experience in placing the Route on international market in order to discuss about improvement of everyday functioning of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route, its expansion to neighboring countries and further promotion.

The Conference will be followed by the publication of a book in English, edited by professors Michael Werner and Goran Petkovic.

Thursday, 14 December 2017.

Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade

9:00 – 9:30

Registration of the participants

9:30 – 10:00

Welcoming note

Gordana Plamenac, Chairperson of the Board, Danube Competence Center (Serbia)

For eight years, Ms. Plamenac was the CEO of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia. She also actively participated in the work of the European Travel Commission (member of the Board of Directors). She included Serbia in a number of Council of Europe’s Culture Routes – Transromanica, Roman Emperors Route, Danube Wine Route etc. She speaks English, Spanish, Russian and German.

Vladan Kreckovic, Project Coordinator, Danube Competence Center (Serbia)

Vladan Kreckovic was involoved in both phases of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route development. From initial communication with Route stakeholders, through the establishment of the Route, its certification, promotion on the international market and wrapping up of the cultural route as a touristic product, he took part in each step of the process. He also completed Cultural Route Training Academy in 2013 and together with the rest of the DCC team he is working on further development of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route.

Michael Werner, President of Scientific Committee of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route (Serbia)

Michael Werner is a Roman archaeologist with over 40 years’ experience in archaeological research and excavations on Roman sites in the Balkans, including Diocletian’s Palace in Split (Croatia) and the Roman Imperial Palace in Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia). More recently, since 2009 in the Danube Region, Prof. Werner has acted as scientific advisor for various government institutions and regional agencies engaged in the development and promotion of heritage tourism on Roman archaeological sites which are now part of the Roman Emperors Route. Currently he is president of the Scientific Committee for the EU certified Roman Emperors Route with the Danube Competence Center. In his home base at the University at Albany, State University of New York, Dr. Werner is Professor of Roman Art and Archaeology in the Department of Art and Art History.

10:00 – 12:30

Panel I – Archaelogical background of the sites along Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route

Moderator: Michael Werner

Iskren Velikov, Curator at the History Department of the Rousse Regional Museum of History (Bulgaria)

Iskren Valentinov Velikov is PhD-student in Museology at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum – Bulgarian Academy of Science, Curator at the “History” Department of the Rousse Regional Museum of History. His scientific interests are in the field of history and heritage of the 20th century, visual anthropology and oral history. He is also the author of several scientific articles, related to everyday life practices, industrial topics and heritage from the period of socialism, visual messages and propaganda specifics of the totalitarian regime, message towards heritage. Since 2010 he participates in museum education activities for growing-ups between 14 and 18 years old.

Constantin Inel, General Director of the National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia (Romania)

Constantin Inel is an Archaeologist and Conservator of Cultural Heritage, he has been working at the National Museum of Union of Alba Iulia since 1997, and since 2008 he is the Deputy Director of this institution of national interest in Romania.
After two Masters in the field of “Pre-and Proto-Archeology Archeology” and “Research, Conservation and Valuation of Historical Heritage”, the Ph.D. was supported in the field of history with specialization in Roman archeology (the theme being The Roman Necropolis at Apulum “Stadion” ), whose field was dedicated to the archaeological research and valorisation of the heritage of the ancient centers of Apulum and Alburnus Maior, to which he dedicated over 15 years of archaeological and documentary research.

Marin Neagoe, Scientific researcher at Iron Gates Regional Museum, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania)

Since its graduation at the Faculty of History and Philology in Alba Iulia, Marin is working as an scientific researcher at Iron Gate Regional Museum in Drobeta Turnu Severin. In close cooperation with Mehedinti County Council, Marian will representa historical, cultural and toruistic potential of Drobeta Turnu Severin.

11:00 – 11:10

Coffee Break

Milena Milosevic, Acting Director of the Homeland Museum of Knjazevac (Serbia)

Milena Milosevic is Acting Director of the Homeland Museum of Knjazevac. After starting her carrier in this institution, she worked as an Art Historian, Curator, Project Manager and at this point time as an Acting Director of the museum. In 2016, after meeting in Knjazevac, the Roman locality Timacum Minus that is under the protection of Homeland Museum of Knjazevac has been included in the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route. Except other activities, at this point in time, Milena leads a project dedicated to further improvement of cultural interpretation at the Timacum Minus locality.

Elena Vasic Petrovic, Director of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Nis (Serbia)

During the last 5 years Elena Vasic Petrovic leads the Institute for the Protection of Monuments in Nis where she started as an an Architect and Conservator. She specialised in the field of stone conservation (ISCR Roma, IT) and archaeological site management. She is the author of 5 exhibitions, 28 scientific works and three publications, all in the field of cultural heritage protection. She is the founder and director of Foundation of Architects Aleksandar Radovic.
Winner of most elite acknowledgement in the field of heritage protection Europa Nostra Award i European Union Grand-Prix 2016.

Adrijana Maksimovic, Guide in the National Museum Zajecar and Archaeological Site Felix Romuliana (Serbia)

After ten years of experience in tourist agency in Zajecar Adrijana continued her career as a guide of organized groups and individual tourists at the archaeological site Felix Romuliana and the National Museum in Zajecar. She worked on development of various projects on the locality, such as: spatial planning outside the eastern gate, procurement of audio-guides, production of boards and catalogs with Braille Letter. In the framework of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route project, Adrijana was involved in the development of mobile application Present Yourself to Emperor Galerius that was installed on Felix Romuliana locality with goal to improve touristic interpretation.

12:30 – 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 – 17:00

Panel II – Daily operations and events in the environment of the sites on RER and DWR

Moderator: Nikolay Nenov, Director of Rousse Regional Museum of History (Bulgaria)

Nikolay Ivanov Nenov is the Professor of Museology and Ethnology and the Director of the Rousse Regional Museum of History since 2001. His scientific interests are in the field of Heritage and Museology, everyday life and holidays under socialism and problems of urban ethnology.
His research interests are in the field of heritage and museums, festivals and everyday life, problems of Urban Ethnology and Cultural tourism. He is also an author of new concepts for museums and museum exhibitions, supervisor of educational and research projects to study cultural heritage indigenous communities in Northern Bulgaria. He is the member of Scientific Committee of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route.

Sanja Cinkopan Korotaj, Director of the Pula Tourist Board (Croatia)

Sanja Cinkopan Korotaj has 19 years’ work experience in the field of tourism, of which 17 years as an executive director (director of the Pula Tourist Board since 2002 until today. She is also a lecturer at the Pula Business College (Polytechnic of Rijeka).

In addition to running all the activities of the Pula Tourist Board, several special projects on which Sanja worked on should be pointed out: Days of Antiquity, Spectacula antiqva, Visualia, Lighting Giants – illuminating Pula’s shipyard cranes, December in the City, etc.

She participated in numerous training programmes for the preparation and implementation of EU projects.

She is responsible for creating synergies with all institutions, stakeholders and companies in the City of Pula, thus creating a large number of projects that contribute to the development of the city.

She received several prizes from which the most important ones are: “Director of the Tourist Office of the Year” awarded by the Croatian Chamber of Economy and Croatian Radio Television “Tourist Flower-Quality for Croatia 2008”; a member of the City of Pula’s team responsible for the development of the Strategy of the City of Pula; member of the City of Pula’s Event Commission; awarded the “Manager of 2014” CROMA Award (Croatian Managers’ Association).

Matej Perkusic, Director of Baranja Tourist Board (Croatia)

Matej Perkusic graduated on Faculty of Economics in Osijek.

He was a leader of the regional office CSERP – World Bank and several other companies after he became a Director of Baranja Tourism Board. During the event he will present touristic offer of Baranja County for the first time in the framework of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Cultural Route.

Gabor Moczar, Director of Zsolnay Cultural Quarter (Hungary)

After many years of experience in private and civil sector Gabor Moczar became the Director of International Relations of Zsolnay Cultural Heritage Management Nonprofit Limited Company (Pécs, Hungary). He is in charge of cross-border international projects and fostering multi-national cooperation within Central and South-Eastern Europe, with special focus on Hungary’s Southern neighbouring region like Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.

He is active also as:
Vice President of the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM)
Member of the Board of the Association of Hungarian Choirs, Orchestras and Folk Ensembles (KÓTA)

Gábor Móczár is married and has 4 grown up children. Beyond his mother tongue Hungarian he speaks fluent English, Italian and German, furthermore intermediate French and Russian.

15:50 – 16:00

Coffee Break

Vlatko Caksiran, Director of Sisak Municipal Museum (Croatia)

Vlatko Caksiran is an Historian and a director of Sisak Municipal Museum. He has been working in the Museum since 2005 and since 2013 he became the director of this institution. His scientific interests are in the field of history of the 20th century and industrial heritage. As a Museum director he is working on the presentation of archaeological heritage of the town of Sisak. He also cooperates with local Tourist Board concerning presentation of the rich cultural and historical heritage of the town of Sisak and with local Conservation Department of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia regarding protection of the Sisak historical monuments.

Mislav Pavosevic, Expert Assistant Tourism Board of Osijek (Croatia)

During university education Mislav Pavosevic worked in local tourist agencies in Osijek as well as in the Nature Park “Kopacki Rit” (Croatia) where he gained skills needed for the career in tourism and marketing. In 2009 he received the BSc in Economics and Marketing from the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek. Since then he worked in national tourist agencies and the Osijek Brewery in marketing department. Between 2013 – 2014 Mislav was working in the local office of the Croatian Tourist Board (Hrvatska Turisticka Zajednica) in Baranja and since 2014 until now as an expert assistant in the Tourist board of the City of Osijek, both located in the Croatian Danube region. His main fields of responsibilities include promotional activities, relations with the media, tourist groups and agencies.

Svetlana Sabo, Director of Tourism Organisation of Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)

Svetlana Sabo has over 15 years of experience in project and event management, organizing and executing cultural events, festivals, fundraisers, and interactive workshops. Some of them are: “International Folklore Festival – Srem Folk Fest” (from 2004 to the present) and most recently, Roman fest: „Imperial Sirmium-City of legends” (September 2017).

As a Director of Cultural Centre “Sirmiumart”, she was awarded a scholarship from Ministry of Culture of France and worked many years in partnership with City of Nevers, France.

In 2016 she became acting Director of the Tourist organization of Sremska Mitrovica where she initiated many promotional activities such as: Publication of multilingual tourist guides (III prize for tourist publication, Krusevac 2017); Quiz competitions for school children in history of Sirmium; Reviving the past of Sremska Mitrovica trough theater and drama and costumed tourist guides on actual archaeological sites.

In 2017 she participated in the project Archest (Tourist promotion of the archaeological sites along the route Aquileia – Emona – Sirmium- Viminacium) within program “Creative Europe – Culture sub-programme European cooperation projects”. In October 2017 she was elected for the president of the Regional Developing Agency of Srem for the sector of tourism.

She holds an MA in Library and Information Sciences from the University of Belgrade.

Ivica Milicevic, Director, Tourism Board of Ilok (Croatia)

Ivica Milicevic is the Director of Tourism Board of Ilok since 2006. He graduated at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management and has vast experience in the field of project management, event organisation, destination management and tourism marketing. He has been involved in the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route Development from the beginning and his contribution in the project was related with organisation of study tours to Ilok for the tour operators and journalists and also presentation of Ilok wines at the Blue Week festival in Ruse and Tourism Fair in Belgrade.

Friday, 15 December 2017.

Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade

9:30 – 10:00

Registration of the participants

10:00 – 10:15

Opening Session

Presented by Danko Cosic, Director of Programmes in Danube Competence Center (Serbia)

Danko Cosic is responsible for the implementation, management, supervision and evaluation of all the DCC’s programs. Danko also takes part in strategic planning and organisational budgeting, in addition to problem solving and staff development.

Danko was the leader of both projects that led to the establishment of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route. Danko also led the process of certification of the Route at the Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg.

10:15 – 13:15

Good practice examples and trends in cultural tourism

Antonio Barone, Director of Confederation Phoenician’s Route (Italy)

Antonio Barone is an expert in rural and cultural tourism. Since 2003 he is the Director of the Phoenicians’ Route, International Cultural Route of Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue. He has worked in many territorial marketing projects at international level, in sustainable tourism and in local development. He cooperates with many universities (especially with Bologna University – Rimini Campus – Tourism and Geography Chair), development agencies and international organizations (ICOM, OECD and others). Antonio is also expert in training, lifelong learning, heritage pedagogy and geography of tourism. He is promoter of an International Association of Experiential Tourism Experts.

Marie Gaillard, Project leader – Developing European Cultural Routes for All (France)

Marie Gaillard is a freelance consultant for associations willing to develop European cultural and/or heritage projects.

She is currently in charge of the implementation of the Erasmus+ DECRA project (Developing European Cultural Routes for All) for the French Federation of European Cultural Routes, as well as of background research for the INTERREG COME IN! Project (Cooperating for open access to museums towards a wider inclusion) for the European Cultural Center in Thuringia (Germany).

For many years, cooperating directly with the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe VIA REGIA and Saint Martin of Tours.

Currently involved in projects development with smaller associations, i.e. the European arts project Visual areas – European landscapes (Erasmus+ Youth) of the dance company « Transit Collectif », and with a group of independant music producers for a Creative Europe on Jazz music.

Marie holds PhD in information and communication sciences.

As a freelance researcher, Marie is currently involved in the MedPat research project on the transmission of scientific, industrial and technical heritage and memory, led by the Lille 3 University, as well as in the research-action on the Faro Convention led by the Council of Europe Culture and Cultural Heritage Division and Dr. Isabelle Brianso, assistant professor at the University of Avignon.

11:45 – 12:00

Coffee Break

Arnold Weneekers, Owner of WEDRU thematical cultural tours (Netherlands)

Even though he is a lawyer by profession, after establishing WEDRU cultural tours in middle nintees, Arnold Weneekers started his career in tourism. During the development of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route project he took part in FAM trip across the route, after which he introduced the route as a part of touristic offer in his agency. During the second day of the event, Arnold will share with the participants his experience related with the Route as a touristic product and also take part in the discussion on how to improve its potential.

Ljubisa Nesovanovic, Owner and Manager of Robinson Travel (Serbia)

Ljubisa has been involved with tourism for more than 30 years. He graduated at the Tourism Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Nature science at Belgrade University and started his career as Represent and Supervisor for Yugotours Frankfurt in Montenegro straight away. Afterwards, he was working as Hotel manager in GENEX HOTELS in Becici, hotel Alet (Montenegro) and Kopaonik hotel Grand (Serbia).

Since 1995 he has been an owner and Manager of Robinson Travel, Belgrade, Serbia.

Robinson Travel was the partner on the second phase of Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route project. In that sense, together with Mr. Weneekers, Ljubisa will share his experience about the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route touristic product and ways of its improvement.

13:15 – 14:15

Future steps – looking ahead to the 2019-2024

Presented and moderated by Goran Petkovic, Professor at the Department for Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Goran Petkovic is teaching and researching marketing channels, retailing management and marketing, selling and customer relationship management. As the Fulbright scholar in 2001-2002, he was on Hofstra University, NY. He participated on joined programme of University of Belgrade and La Sapienza, and was guest lecturer on the Wirtschaft Universität, Vienna and DHBW Heilbronn. He participated in the book Confronting Microfinance, published by Kumarian Press. He served as State secretary in Government of the Republic of Serbia. He is member of Presidency of the Serbian Association of Economists, and member of Supervisory Board of Metalac a.d.




Belgrade Guided Tour


Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade

Located in the very heart of Belgrade, on 46 Kralja Petra street, the Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) is a government institution competent for the promotion and the popularization of science.

The Center was created in spring 2010, and its establishment enacted by the Law on Scientific research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 18/10). After officially becoming recognized as a public institution (registered on 23rd November 2010), pursuant to the Law, the Center took competence over the promotion of science from the competent ministry.