Agreed in 2016 by the Chinese Prime Minister and the President of the European Commission, the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year was a unique opportunity to

• attract more Chinese travelers off the beaten path,
• stimulate European investment in China, and
• give extra impetus to EU-China visa facilitation and air connectivity

The Danube Competence Center recognized the potential and joined forces with German National Tourism Board, Hungarian Tourism Agency and National Tourism Organisation of Serbia in order to execute the “Europe Invites – Danube Connects” integrated campaign, supported by the European Travel Commission.

We are glad to announce that the first results of the overall efforts are already visible – below you may find a link to the document highlighting some of 270 actions and events (co)initiated and/or (co)funded by the EU. This document also provides key figures on the impact of these actions and events – showing that the 2018 Tourism Year contributed, among other things, to bring more Chinese travelers to all corners of the EU.

The document (infographic) is available at EU-China Tourism Year web site.