Project Description
In the course of history the Danube area has experienced a chequered past resulting in a culturally and historically rich but fragmented history. It has witnessed the doom of Empires, tragedies of humanity like World Wars I and II, terrible crimes like the Holocaust and the war in the Balkans. At last, two antagonistic political and economic systems have contributed to territorial imbalances. (Im)material cultural heritage is the (in)visible testimony of it. The intention of the project is to expand cultural routes, to explore aspects of hidden sites and to give stories to visible and invisible cultural heritage.
The project plans a cooperation of culture and tourism with the aim of developing contemporary aspects of cultural routes. It is planned to discover places of history and to support existing cultural routes in cooperation with the Council of Europe. The project is looking for response to manifold themes: the development of new destinations along the Danube (tourism), the interpretation of historic places and events in a contemporary way (culture), the experience of culture (international audience/ tourists).
The project is placed in the frame of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and the submission of the Austrian part of the Danube limes between Upper Austria and Bavaria to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2018.
You may find more information on project web site –Â
Project co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA).

Project Details
Start date:Â 01-01-2017
End date:Â 30-06-2019
Budget in Euro
- Overall: 1,676,878.64
- ERDF Contribution: 1,331,846.83
- IPA Contribution: 93,500
- ENI Contribution: 0