Project Description

The Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route (the Route) currently extends through five countries of the Middle and Lower Danube Region – Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania – encompassing 23 archaeological sites and 12 wine regions. It is a network of individual sub-destinations – archaeological sites, locations, places and buildings containing non-material and material heritage that are from the same period of history, belonging to the same (Roman) cultural heritage and having mutual geographic characteristics. The Route was certified in 2015 as a European Cultural Route by the European Institute for Cultural Routes (EICR).

The project is designed in a way that further strengthens trans-national cooperation, encourages higher involvement of SMEs and creative industries and contributes to the diversification of tourism thematic products along the Route. The project will focus on enhancing overall visitor’s satisfaction with services and experiences and to achieve consistent product quality along the Route which and in each sub-destination.

Creative industries now play an important role in the development and growth of tourism, particularly by influencing the image of destinations and the experiences of visitors, by providing tourists with the opportunity to participate in new, creative and authentic experiences. For those reasons, the project can be also seen as an investment in new intangible resources (information and knowledge) in the process of achieving excellence and product recognition, as well as a platform for joint actions of creative actors on one side and the academic and expert public and touristic sector on other side, thus creating new dynamics along the Route and providing more tailored experiences to visitors.

Project Partners:

  • Danube Competence Center, Serbia
  • Histodian, Netherlands
  • Ruse Regional History Museum, Bulgaria
  • Mascontour, Germany
  • Tourism Ministry of Romania, Romania
  • Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Hungary
  • National Museum Zajecar, Serbia


You may find more information on the Route web site –

Project Details

Project start date: 1st June 2018

Project end date: 30th November 2019

Project budget in EUR: 341.758