The results of Tripe P Tourism Project will be presented as a part of the General Meeting of the Roman Emperors and the Danube Wine Route, in the premises of Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment (Belgrade), on Thursday, 18th of April 2019 (agenda available at the bottom of the page). The grant which Danube Competence Center received from Regional Cooperation Council Tourism Development and Promotion Project in the framework of the first Call for Proposal to implement the project activity Western Balkans Branch of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route, was used to foster capacities of this cultural route officially certified at the Council of Europe’s Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg. The new branch will be called – Illyricum trail.

During the meeting, members of the Route will have the chance to learn more about major activities within the network in previous year, from which most important is extension of the Route to the countries of Western Balkans, through the above mentioned Triple P Tourism Project. The partners from the localities selected to become new members of the Route will officially present cultural and touristic heritage of their region.

Another major success was the establishment of the hub hosts, so called dominus nodi, local partners which will take care about the development of product clubs in their area. Also, Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes from European Institute of Cultural Routes will address participants through the video message, while Ms. Gordana Plamenac, Chairperson of the Board of Danube Competence Center will present recertification process of the Route, which took place last week in Luxembourg. The event will be followed by evening cocktail reception in the Belgrade City Library.

In the course of previous three years, the Danube principle itinerary has been defined as the major geographical scope which provides optimal cultural and touristic experience of the Route, both for individual travellers and tourism agencies. Through the Tripple P project, the Route will now be strengthened with additional branch that will follow the Adriatic coast – named Illyricum Trail (based on the historical Roman Province) which is today’s territory of Western Balkans. This geographic and administrative synergy will provide solid ground for even more sustainable development of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route in the future.

Disclaimer: This action was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Danube Competence Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Regional Cooperation Council of the European Union