As a part of Transdanube.Pearls project, an international expert team, consisting of video, mobility and tourism experts traveled the 2.860 km long route along the Danube by using only sustainable means of transport, such as buses, trains, ships and bikes. They encompassed 9 countries and visited more than 15 regions and cities in 22 days – always with sustainable means of transport. The journey aimed at demonstrating existing possibilities to travel the Danube region without private car, to contribute to the project Transdanube.Pearls by providing valuable assessment on the current situation in the regions and to foster the concept of sustainable mobility in tourism along the Danube. Here are the results…

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Where is the Black sea? Follow the Danube river!

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Down by the river– Getting there someday, somehow

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Go with the flow – the route is the destination

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Blue Danube and green paths – are we there yet?